Semiconductors (microchips rather than the variety you get at the local takeaway, although semiconductors are very portable and are frequently taken away) are part and parcel of modern society. Everyone walks around with a portable computer (mobile phone). The future is IoT (Chips embedded everywhere). The future is actually here.
I am a lapsed reader of Scientific American (ie I used to read it but now only occasionally read it). The September 1991 Issue: Communications, Computers and Networks proffered a glimpse into our present technological state as a society. I view Scientific American as a way to see into the future. What you read in Scientific American today will be in part (not completely of course) what society will be like in the future in terms of science and technology.
The October 1987 Issue: The Next Revolution in Computers describes a tenfold increase in power in 10 years with networks and advanced interfaces transforming computing into a universal intellectual utility. Fast forward to today and here we are!