( Initial proposal )

Predictive Diagnostics for Empirical Treatment. (PDET)

Diagnostic Decision Assist. (DDA)

Forward looking statement.

We are a startup company developing medical information systems. Using Agile development processes we will initially be providing flat file medical records backed up to the cloud.

Future developments we envisage will include tools that analyse the stored dataset to establish any associations and corollaries in disease aetiology and any relevant factors e.g. lifestyle, environmental influences, genetic predisposition.

We wish to immediately address inaccuracies in data acquisition, storage, and distribution e.g. illegible medical notes which can result in poor patient outcomes.

The flat file medical record system will use FileMaker Pro, an Apple Subsidiary, to  provide a clean and intuitive user interface. The information will be pushed onto Oracle cloud where machine learning algorithms can analyse the data set. We envisage the system will provide provisional diagnoses and suggest relevant lines of inquiry (lab investigations etc) which will then be fed back into the system whereupon diagnoses can be refuted / verified. Where the diagnosis is unclear a course of empirical treatment will be recommended.

Further still, analyses of an individual persons genome may result in personalised medicine.

Although we wish to monetise our intellectual property, our solutions will be offered pro bono as we as a company wish to promote positive health outcomes and rapid uptake of our solutions. A fork of our code base will be made available in an open source version. We reserve the right to use any derivative of our code base in future products without copyright restrictions from the author. You may add/amend/use our code base as you envisage and develop your own solutions. We take pride in the adoption of our code base used in any proprietary environment.

There will be backend tools to pull data from legacy systems to facilitate migration onto our platform.

The objective is the deployment and use of high quality healthcare solutions. If and when such facilities are commonly deployed and our own solutions are not longer first tier, our company will be dissolved having fulfilled its mandate.

We will be using Perforce tools and adhering to JSF AV C++ guidelines.




CTO & UX Designer - Filled 

Lead (Head) and Lag (Junior) Software Developers:

Software Engineers - C++

Device driver engineers - C

To Do (VC)

Andreessen Horowitz / Sequoia / Softbank


Palantir Gotham


Cerner Enviza

What Is the JSF AV C++ Coding Standard?


The Medical Futurist

Deep Mind

Scientific American

World Health Organisation