The outpouring of thoughts from an 8 bit brain. Technology has progressed but alas my mind is still only able to process information in 8 bit chunks (8 bits is called a byte). Anyway I’m trying my best and you’ll have to put up with me…
Arthur C. Clarke anticipated geostationary satellites. They are now commonplace and we even have CubeSats in orbit. Covid-19, which is the disease caused by coronavirus, has resulted in home isolation and in countries where broadband telecommunications are available video teleconferencing usage has increased. Virtual meetings are held via zoom videoconferencing. We are moving (if we haven’t already done so) to a digital world and a digital economy (Being Digital by Nicholas Negroponte). The future is electronic (and is already here). Television signals, transmitted via radio waves through the air, have switched from analog to digital. We have GCHQ monitoring all our telecommunications that are sent digitally. There are undersea fibre optic cables to carry data undersea from country to country.