My Interest in Oncology (cancer) was piqued when I was contacted by Mene Panagalos. (1)

The recent epidemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus resulting in COVID-19 you may think would be the most obvious reason for my interest in cancer. The mRNA vaccines developed/manufactured by Oxford/AstraZeneca and BioNTech/Pfizer are (as far as I understand) derived from cancer research based on mRNA treatments.

Overview of different COVID-19 Vaccines


Although COVID-19 is presently in the news, cancer is one of the defining diseases that impact on our mortality. We all sadly know someone who has succumbed to it. At a personal level I have recently lost a school friend who I had lost touch with. I had also made a friend who formly worked in the insurance industry but suffered from MS.

(1) Mene is Executive Vice-President, BioPharmaceuticals R&D. He was knighted in the 2020 New Years Honors.

Full Disclosure: I suffer from Bipolar Affective Disorder and on bad days it severly limits my ability to mock the members who sit on the benches of Pugin’s great building. (Which I think should be repurposed for perhaps a more worthwhile function/endeavour). Although the pursuit of a cure for cancer is a noble human endeavour it must be stated that I am only human and as such wake up every morning having the same avaricious desires as my fellow brother patriots. In brief I’m in it for the money.